MKW Profile: Logan Stkrdknmibalz
Detailed Information
(click to highlight score in chart)
Player's Name | Logan Stkrdknmibalz |
Country | USA |
Town/Region | Wyoming |
Email | Unknown |
Other Info | large, fat |
Proof status | CTGP |
We last updated your scores on 2025-03-29. Compare yourself against the Combined standards?
We last updated your scores on 2025-03-29. Compare yourself against the NonSC-only standards?
Recent activity (last 7 days) |
[Combined] RMR 1'41"2, RMC3 1'17"9/23"8 [NonSC-only] MC 24"8, RPB 22"3, RMR 1'41"2, RSGB 25"1, RMC3 1'17"9/23"8