MKW Profile: Cae Barr 
Detailed Information
(click to highlight score in chart)
Who & Where
Player's NameCae Barr
Other InfoUnknown
Proof statusNo proof
Combined Times
Coconut Mall1'10"264 43335.79%0 / God
GCN Waluigi Stadium2'02"000 91575.40%21 / Int A
DS Yoshi Falls1'02"560 94593.75%21 / Int A
GCN DK Mountain2'17"994 95385.61%22 / Int B
N64 Sherbet Land2'12"858 97954.36%22 / Int B
DK's Snowboard Cross2'02"860 98785.14%22 / Int B
SNES Ghost Valley 20'55"923 99889.39%22 / Int B
GBA Shy Guy Beach1'26"735 100285.91%24 / Int D
GCN Mario Circuit1'39"062 101090.80%22 / Int B
Mushroom Gorge1'49"269 105018.08%24 / Int D
Grumble Volcano1'58"995 112712.96%28 / App D
Luigi Circuit1'12"210 113495.24%23 / Int C
Totals19'50"7300'00"000961.083368.5354%30.7344 (Beg C)

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