MKW Profile: Joseph Colarusso 
Detailed Information
(click to highlight score in chart)
Who & Where
Player's NameJoseph Colarusso
Other InfoUnknown
Proof statusNo proof
Combined Times
Luigi Circuit1'10"896 88597.01%20 / Exp D2024-10-05
Moo Moo Meadows1'18"967 77395.32%17 / Exp A2024-10-05
Mario Circuit1'23"746 77155.59%18 / Exp B2024-10-05
Daisy Circuit1'33"356 78094.61%18 / Exp B2024-10-05
GCN Peach Beach1'15"843 83379.08%20 / Exp D2024-10-05
DS Yoshi Falls1'02"252 91094.21%21 / Int A2024-10-05
SNES Ghost Valley 20'55"855 100189.50%21 / Int A2024-10-05
GBA Shy Guy Beach1'24"690 67687.11%17 / Exp A2024-10-05
DS Delfino Square2'09"397 77995.46%18 / Exp B2024-10-05
Totals12'15"0020'00"000823.111187.5435%31.0156 (Beg C)

We last updated your scores on 2024-10-05. Compare yourself against the Combined standards?

Recent activity (last 7 days)
[Combined] LC 1'10"8, MMM 1'18"9, MC 1'23"7, DC 1'33"3, RPB 1'15"8, RYF 1'02"2, RGV2 55"8, RSGB 1'24"6, RDS 2'09"3