MKW Profile: Jackson Cutter 
Detailed Information
(click to highlight score in chart)
Who & Where
Player's NameJackson Cutter
Town/RegionCharlotte, NC
Other InfoNone (Chadsoft link)
Proof statusCTGP
Combined Times
Mushroom Gorge1'06"455 68429.64%18 / Exp B
Grumble Volcano0'31"812 81848.49%21 / Int A
DK's Snowboard Cross2'03"405 104484.68%22 / Int B
GCN Waluigi Stadium2'03"268 100674.62%22 / Int B
SNES Ghost Valley 20'56"441 111988.57%23 / Int C
N64 Sherbet Land2'13"886 105641.53%23 / Int C
Moo Moo Meadows1'23"678 124989.96%25 / App A
Wario's Gold Mine2'00"313 116226.39%25 / App A
GBA Shy Guy Beach1'28"239 112783.61%25 / App A
GCN Mario Circuit1'42"300 115887.92%25 / App A
GCN DK Mountain2'22"450 113282.93%25 / App A
N64 Mario Raceway1'52"708 124289.79%26 / App B
N64 DK's Jungle Parkway2'28"518 115126.18%26 / App B
Luigi Circuit1'15"750 138890.79%27 / App C
DS Yoshi Falls1'06"712 127287.91%28 / App D
SNES Mario Circuit 31'25"505 125791.01%28 / App D
Maple Treeway2'39"512 130058.05%29 / Beg A
Luigi Circuit NT--33 / Newbie
Moo Moo Meadows NT--33 / Newbie
Mushroom Gorge NT--33 / Newbie
Toad's FactoryNT --33 / Newbie
Toad's Factory NT--33 / Newbie
Mario CircuitNT --33 / Newbie
Mario Circuit NT--33 / Newbie
Coconut MallNT --33 / Newbie
Coconut Mall NT--33 / Newbie
DK's Snowboard Cross NT--33 / Newbie
Wario's Gold Mine NT--33 / Newbie
Daisy CircuitNT --33 / Newbie
Daisy Circuit NT--33 / Newbie
Koopa CapeNT --33 / Newbie
Koopa Cape NT--33 / Newbie
Maple Treeway NT--33 / Newbie
Grumble Volcano NT--33 / Newbie
Dry Dry RuinsNT --33 / Newbie
Dry Dry Ruins NT--33 / Newbie
Moonview HighwayNT --33 / Newbie
Moonview Highway NT--33 / Newbie
Bowser's CastleNT --33 / Newbie
Bowser's Castle NT--33 / Newbie
Rainbow RoadNT --33 / Newbie
Rainbow Road NT--33 / Newbie
GCN Peach BeachNT --33 / Newbie
GCN Peach Beach NT--33 / Newbie
DS Yoshi Falls NT--33 / Newbie
SNES Ghost Valley 2 NT--33 / Newbie
N64 Mario Raceway NT--33 / Newbie
N64 Sherbet Land NT--33 / Newbie
GBA Shy Guy Beach NT--33 / Newbie
DS Delfino SquareNT --33 / Newbie
DS Delfino Square NT--33 / Newbie
GCN Waluigi Stadium NT--33 / Newbie
DS Desert HillsNT --33 / Newbie
DS Desert Hills NT--33 / Newbie
GBA Bowser Castle 3NT --33 / Newbie
GBA Bowser Castle 3 NT--33 / Newbie
N64 DK's Jungle Parkway NT--33 / Newbie
GCN Mario Circuit NT--33 / Newbie
SNES Mario Circuit 3 NT--33 / Newbie
DS Peach GardensNT --33 / Newbie
DS Peach Gardens NT--33 / Newbie
GCN DK Mountain NT--33 / Newbie
N64 Bowser's CastleNT --33 / Newbie
N64 Bowser's Castle NT--33 / Newbie
TotalsNTNT1127.35290.69533830.7656 (Beg C)

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