NonSC-only Average Finish
The default charts on this site allow glitches and shortcuts, but we also track NonSC / No Glitch scores on the affected tracks. This page, the NonSC Average Finish, is a ranking for players who have scores for all courses without using glitches or shortcuts. In other words, if you want to appear on this ranking, you must have a NonSC time on all NonSC charts we have, as well as times on all the remaining courses. The best AF score possible is 1.0000, since an average of 1 means that a player is on average 1st for everything. AF scores reward consistency--a single weak score can negatively affect you in a big way! Your AF improves when you beat someone's scores. It worsens when someone beats your scores. This means that your AF score can fluctuate every week. You need 64 scores to be shown here. By default, the top 100 players are shown. You can also view the 3lap-only chart -- useful for players who do not race laps. (Highlighter selected: 1050.2500). |
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