Combined Average Rank Rating 

The Combined Average Rank Rating is the average of a Combined player's standards across all tracks, based on the Combined standards. A good score achieves a good standard. Each score corresponds to only one standard, and standards have a point value. To fill any gaps, a player is automatically given the worst standard for a missing score. The better your scores, the lower you ARR.

Your ARR will not change unless you beat a new standard. Certain player titles are awarded to you based on your ARR.

Filter by  Include scores that fall outside the overall top 100  

Rank Combined Player Info CountryProof Score Change
1Logan StkrdknmibalzinfoUSAY0.0000 (God)-
2Justin HitchcockinfoUSAY0.2344 (Myth A)-
3Arvo KoskikallioinfoFinlandY0.5469 (Myth A)-0.0312
4Jack GluesinginfoUSAY0.7031 (Myth A)-0.0469
5Mitchell HealyinfoAustraliaY0.7344 (Myth A)-0.0469
6Vincent BraixeninfoUSAY1.1406 (Myth A)-
7Vincent NguyeninfoUSAY1.4062 (Myth A)-
8Martin FoxinfoNorwayY1.4219 (Myth A)-
9Bynt.infoUSAY1.5312 (Myth B)-
10David MortoninfoUKY1.6719 (Myth B)-
11Luke BrowninfoUKY1.8125 (Myth B)-
12EclipseinfoUKY1.8281 (Myth B)-0.0313
13Thomas van DeerseinfoNetherlandsY1.9531 (Myth B)-
14Thomas PetraudinfoFranceY1.9688 (Myth B)-
15Jay RangthaleinfoUSAY2.2031 (Myth B)-
16Dane AlleninfoUSAY2.2188 (Myth B)-
17Zed RinfoGermanyY2.2344 (Myth B)-
18JoeblaseinfoUSAY2.2656 (Myth B)-
19Danny BoyinfoUSAY2.3281 (Myth B)-
20Aziz AbdullahinfoUSAY2.3750 (Myth B)-
20Kevin MillerinfoUSAY2.3750 (Myth B)-0.1250
22MKRFirestoneinfoUSAY2.4219 (Myth B)-
23Danny GallenbergerinfoUSAY2.4844 (Myth B)-
24Jyran LiebsinfoAustraliaY2.5312 (Myth C)-0.2344
25Ryley CarrollinfoUSAY2.5469 (Myth C)-
26Shane HoganinfoIrelandY2.5625 (Myth C)-
27Stavros FerentinosinfoGreeceY2.6562 (Myth C)-
28Indy KambeitzinfoNetherlandsY2.7188 (Myth C)-
28Doge.infoUSAY2.7188 (Myth C)-
30Phyz PhyzinfoUSAY2.7500 (Myth C)-
31ExploderinfoNorwayY2.8750 (Myth C)-0.2031
32Jake HarrisoninfoCanadaY2.8906 (Myth C)-0.1719
33Nick MeadeinfoUSAY3.1562 (Myth C)-
34Ross ColemaninfoUKY3.2344 (Myth C)-
35Enzo LeussinkinfoNetherlandsY3.2812 (Myth C)-
36Cqrt3rinfoUSAY3.2969 (Myth C)-0.1250
37Caleb HouseinfoUSAY3.3281 (Myth C)-
38Nara HieroinfoCanadaY3.4844 (Myth C)-0.0469
39Intel CoreinfoUKY3.9062 (Myth D)-
39Carter ZillainfoCanadaY3.9062 (Myth D)-
41Hunter WellsinfoUSAY3.9375 (Myth D)-0.0469
42LawrenceinfoUSAY3.9844 (Myth D)-
43Liam AshcroftinfoUKY4.0156 (Myth D)-
44FillerinfoUSAY4.0625 (Myth D)-
45DaseiainfoGreeceY4.0781 (Myth D)-
46Carter CleminfoUSAY4.0938 (Myth D)-
47Olivier LuyckxinfoBelgiumY4.1250 (Myth D)-
48JAYOOinfoItalyY4.1719 (Myth D)-
49Shaun TanneyinfoUKY4.2344 (Myth D)-
49Dave TandyinfoUSAY4.2344 (Myth D)-
51JoshuaMKinfoUSAY4.2812 (Myth D)-
52Jacob FitzgibboninfoUSAY4.3750 (Myth D)-
53Jacob LoerzelinfoUSAY4.3906 (Myth D)-0.1563
54Nate SchultzinfoUSAY4.4844 (Myth D)-
55JMM435infoPortugalY4.6094 (Legend A)-
56Nils StoffersinfoGermanyY4.6250 (Legend A)-
57Ultra_PearinfoUSAY4.6875 (Legend A)-0.0156
57Will MarableinfoUSAY4.6875 (Legend A)-
59Luke BerrillinfoIrelandY4.7344 (Legend A)-
59Leo ZoaninfoFranceY4.7344 (Legend A)-
61ClausinfoUSAY4.8125 (Legend A)-
62Paul648infoGermanyY4.8594 (Legend A)-
63Cyril FulaginfoFranceY4.8906 (Legend A)-
64Marc BasinfoFranceY4.9531 (Legend A)-
65Ruby ArubainfoUSAY4.9688 (Legend A)-
66BryceinfoUSAY5.0156 (Legend A)-
67Salvatore BellusciinfoGermanyY5.1719 (Legend A)-
68Alex ShoalinfoCanadaY5.2188 (Legend A)-
69Charlie GilletinfoUSAY5.3125 (Legend A)-
70Dane MinfoNetherlandsY5.3594 (Legend A)-
71JascolinfoCanadaY5.3906 (Legend A)-
72Jascha RichterinfoCanadaY5.6094 (Legend B)-
73Lee DugganinfoUKY5.7812 (Legend B)-
73Matt StrikerinfoGermanyY5.7812 (Legend B)-
73Owen SmithinfoUSAY5.7812 (Legend B)-
76Jak KortezinfoUSAY5.9062 (Legend B)-
77Gautier62infoFranceY5.9375 (Legend B)-
78BoshiinfoCanadaY6.1094 (Legend B)-
79Wilf LovattinfoUKY6.1719 (Legend B)-
79AcquiesceinfoNew ZealandY6.1719 (Legend B)-
81Mo NoinfoGermanyY6.2500 (Legend B)-
82IdrizinfoUSAY6.2656 (Legend B)-
83Cole GilbertinfoCanadaY6.2812 (Legend B)-
84Michele GallastriinfoItalyY6.3594 (Legend B)-
85StarBoiinfoAustraliaY6.3750 (Legend B)-0.1406
86Tony RosinfoSpainY6.4219 (Legend B)-
86John BrunninfoUSAY6.4219 (Legend B)-
88ArthurOwwinfoFranceY6.4531 (Legend B)-
89CedericinfoGermanyY6.4688 (Legend B)-0.0312
90WatchainfoGermanyY6.5625 (Legend C)-
91NITROFOXinfoItaly 6.6406 (Legend C)-
922ndmattinfoUSAY6.7031 (Legend C)-
93Alberto BarbainfoPeruY6.7188 (Legend C)-
94KasperinfoDenmarkY6.9062 (Legend C)-
95Mark SchmidtinfoGermanyY7.0312 (Legend C)-
95WiiLord95infoUSAY7.0312 (Legend C)-
97Reinier de JongeinfoNetherlandsY7.0625 (Legend C)-
97Qi ZhuinfoGermanyY7.0625 (Legend C)-
99Nota.infoUSAY7.0781 (Legend C)-
100Sebastian KovatsinfoAustriaY7.1562 (Legend C)-
Requested highlighter (27.2812) falls outside this table.

(Highlighter selected: 27.2812).