NonSC-only Average Rank Rating 

The NonSC-only Average Rank Rating is the average of a NonSC-only player's standards across all tracks, based on the NonSC-only standards. A good score achieves a good standard. Each score corresponds to only one standard, and standards have a point value. To fill any gaps, a player is automatically given the worst standard for a missing score. The better your scores, the lower you ARR.

Your ARR will not change unless you beat a new standard. Certain player titles are awarded to you based on your ARR.

Filter by  Include scores that fall outside the overall top 100  

Rank NonSC-only Player Info CountryProof Score Change
1Logan StkrdknmibalzinfoUSAY0.0000 (God)-
2Justin HitchcockinfoUSAY0.5156 (Myth A)-
3Luke BrowninfoUKY1.1094 (Myth A)-0.1406
4Arvo KoskikallioinfoFinlandY1.2344 (Myth A)-
5Mitchell HealyinfoAustraliaY1.7656 (Myth B)-0.0625
6Stavros FerentinosinfoGreeceY1.9219 (Myth B)-
7Bynt.infoUSAY1.9531 (Myth B)-
8Martin FoxinfoNorwayY2.0000 (Myth B)-
9Jay RangthaleinfoUSAY2.2344 (Myth B)-
10FillerinfoUSAY2.2500 (Myth B)-
11EclipseinfoUKY2.5156 (Myth C)-
12Kevin MillerinfoUSAY2.5938 (Myth C)-0.0781
13Jack GluesinginfoUSAY2.6250 (Myth C)-
14Vincent BraixeninfoUSAY2.6875 (Myth C)-
15David MortoninfoUKY3.1562 (Myth C)-
16Aziz AbdullahinfoUSAY3.2656 (Myth C)-
17Thomas van DeerseinfoNetherlandsY3.3281 (Myth C)-
18Dane AlleninfoUSAY3.3594 (Myth C)-
19Zed RinfoGermanyY3.4375 (Myth C)-
20Vincent NguyeninfoUSAY3.5312 (Myth D)-
21Indy KambeitzinfoNetherlandsY3.7969 (Myth D)-
22Nick MeadeinfoUSAY3.8438 (Myth D)-0.0156
23Doge.infoUSAY3.9062 (Myth D)-
24JoeblaseinfoUSAY3.9844 (Myth D)-
25Liam AshcroftinfoUKY4.3125 (Myth D)-
26Danny BoyinfoUSAY4.3906 (Myth D)-0.0156
27Shane HoganinfoIrelandY4.5781 (Legend A)-
28Shaun TanneyinfoUKY4.6094 (Legend A)-
29Phyz PhyzinfoUSAY4.6250 (Legend A)-
30Cqrt3rinfoUSAY4.6875 (Legend A)-0.1250
31Jake HarrisoninfoCanadaY4.9531 (Legend A)-
32Dane MinfoNetherlandsY5.0625 (Legend A)-
33Ross ColemaninfoUKY5.0781 (Legend A)-
34Jascha RichterinfoCanadaY5.1562 (Legend A)-
35Dave TandyinfoUSAY5.3125 (Legend A)-
35Enzo LeussinkinfoNetherlandsY5.3125 (Legend A)-
37JascolinfoCanadaY5.3281 (Legend A)-
38Jyran LiebsinfoAustraliaY5.3438 (Legend A)-0.0469
39Carter ZillainfoCanadaY5.3906 (Legend A)-4.8906
40AcquiesceinfoNew ZealandY5.4062 (Legend A)-0.0156
41Ruby ArubainfoUSAY5.4219 (Legend A)-
42Nota.infoUSAY5.4531 (Legend A)-
43DaseiainfoGreeceY5.6719 (Legend B)-
44Luke BerrillinfoIrelandY5.7188 (Legend B)-
45Leo ZoaninfoFranceY5.7969 (Legend B)-
46MKRFirestoneinfoUSAY5.8594 (Legend B)-0.0312
47Nara HieroinfoCanadaY5.8750 (Legend B)-0.0156
48KasperinfoDenmarkY5.9219 (Legend B)-
49Nils StoffersinfoGermanyY6.0312 (Legend B)-
50Lee DugganinfoUKY6.0625 (Legend B)-
50ExploderinfoNorwayY6.0625 (Legend B)-0.1094
522ndmattinfoUSAY6.2031 (Legend B)-
53Olivier LuyckxinfoBelgiumY6.3125 (Legend B)-
53Danny GallenbergerinfoUSAY6.3125 (Legend B)-
55Marc BasinfoFranceY6.3594 (Legend B)-
55Mo NoinfoGermanyY6.3594 (Legend B)-
57ClausinfoUSAY6.4375 (Legend B)-
58BoshiinfoCanadaY6.5000 (Legend C)-
59Cole GilbertinfoCanadaY6.5156 (Legend C)-
60Will MarableinfoUSAY6.5781 (Legend C)-
61Cyril FulaginfoFranceY6.7500 (Legend C)-
62WatchainfoGermanyY6.7812 (Legend C)-
63Salvatore BellusciinfoGermanyY6.8438 (Legend C)-
64Paul648infoGermanyY6.8594 (Legend C)-
65Jak KortezinfoUSAY6.8906 (Legend C)-
66Alberto BarbainfoPeruY7.0156 (Legend C)-
67JoshuaMKinfoUSAY7.0469 (Legend C)-
68Michele GallastriinfoItalyY7.0781 (Legend C)-
69ArthurOwwinfoFranceY7.1094 (Legend C)-0.0156
70Jacob FitzgibboninfoUSAY7.1406 (Legend C)-
71Ultra_PearinfoUSAY7.1562 (Legend C)-
72Charlie GilletinfoUSAY7.2031 (Legend C)-5.2657
73Kenny MinfoGermanyY7.3594 (Legend C)-
74John BrunninfoUSAY7.4062 (Legend C)-
75Qi ZhuinfoGermanyY7.4531 (Legend C)-
76FraterzinfoUSA 7.5000 (Legend D)-0.0781
77Ryley CarrollinfoUSAY7.7188 (Legend D)-
78JMM435infoPortugalY7.8906 (Legend D)-0.0938
79Benjamin ZenoninfoFranceY7.9062 (Legend D)-
80Wilf LovattinfoUKY8.0312 (Legend D)-
81SupremeinfoUSAY8.1406 (Legend D)-
82NITROFOXinfoItaly 8.2031 (Legend D)-
83AlictiainfoCanadaY8.2188 (Legend D)-
83JAYOOinfoItalyY8.2188 (Legend D)-
85David McPartlandinfoUSAY8.3906 (Legend D)-
86Clement RouchoninfoFranceY8.4062 (Legend D)-
87Thomas PetraudinfoFranceY8.4531 (Legend D)-
88Brian LaiinfoUSAY8.4688 (Legend D)-
89Alvin van AsseltinfoNetherlandsY8.5312 (King A)-
90Jacob LoerzelinfoUSAY8.5469 (King A)-
91Gautier62infoFranceY8.5625 (King A)-
92Lachlan YounginfoAustraliaY8.6562 (King A)-
93Hunter WellsinfoUSAY8.7031 (King A)-
93CedericinfoGermanyY8.7031 (King A)-0.0313
95Kenneth BernalesinfoUSAY8.7188 (King A)-
96Nate SchultzinfoUSAY8.7812 (King A)-
97Jamie DisleyinfoUKY8.8125 (King A)-
97Owen SmithinfoUSAY8.8125 (King A)-0.0781
99Saik GinfoUSAY8.8438 (King A)-
100Tony RosinfoSpainY8.8750 (King A)-
Requested highlighter (29.2344) falls outside this table.

(Highlighter selected: 29.2344).